Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Research work carried out at the expense of the state budget in 2019.

Applied research and development

1. GP-495       Scientific and applied principles of creation of modern hoisting-and-transport installations with rubber-traction bodies.


State registration number: 0117U001133

Volodymyr Samusya, Prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

2. GP-493       Theoretical and practical bases of control of unstable geomechanical systems "array - fastening" of underground workings


State registration number: 0117U001131

Irina Kovalevskaya, Prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

3. GP-494       Technological bases of use in the construction of mechanically activated and nanostructured related minerals and mining waste


State registration number: 0117U001132

Petro Pilov, Prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

4. GP-498       Scientific and applied principles of creation and engineering support of operation of lifting and transporting machines with flat traction-carrying bodies using CALS technologies.


State registration number: 0118U003188

Dmitry Kolosov, Assoc. Prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences.

5. GP-499       Creating a method for predicting the parameters of the technical state of complex electromechanical systems of electric and hybrid vehicles.


State registration number: 0118U003189

Kirill Ziborov, Assoc. Prof., Cand. of tech. sciences.

6. GP-497       Resource-saving geotechnological and hydrodynamic parametrization of extraction of low-power reserves of mineral resources in technogenically loaded environment.


State registration number: 0117U006753

Vadim Sotkov, Cand. of tech. sciences.

7. GP-500       Synthesis, optimization and parametrization of innovative technologies for development of resources of gas-coal deposits.


State registration number: 0119U000248

Pavlo Saik, Cand. of tech. sciences.



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