Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time



Basic research

1.GP-501 "Detection of patterns of phase transformations of gas hydrates and stressed state of the rock massive and development of innovative geotechnologies", Sciences. Head - Volodymyr Bondarenko, Prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

2. "Methodology of seismic-acoustic forecasting of catastrophes caused by unforeseen influence of natural or human factors on the stability of industrial objects", Sciences. Head - Alexander Shashenko, Prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

3. "Development of theory and improvement of technology for diagnostics and operation of galvanic batteries", Sciences. supervisor - Gennadiy Pivnyak, Prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Applied research and development


1. GP-500 "Synthesis, optimization and parametrization of innovative technologies for development of resources of gas-coal deposits", Sciences. Head - Pavlo Saik, Cand. tech. sciences.

2. GP-502 "Development of advanced technologies for the full extraction of energy coal with the accumulation of empty rocks in the underground space", Sciences. Head - Dmitry Malashkevich, Cand. tech. sciences.

3. "Scientific and applied principles of creation of hoisting-and-transport installations with composite traction bodies on the basis of metamodeling of complex multi-connected discrete-continuous mechanical systems", Sciences. supervisor - Volodymyr Samusya, Prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

4. "Geotechnological bases of formation of energy-chemical complexes of coal-mining regions", Sciences. Head - Roman Dychkovskyi, Prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

5. "Substantiation of the latest technological solutions for the development of mineral deposits in the context of sustainable development of mining regions", Sciences. Head - Artem Pavlichenko, Prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

6. "Scientific and practical bases of optimization of calculation of parameters of innovative technologies at extraction of mineral resources by underground way", Sciences. Head - Irina Kovalevskaya, Prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences.



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