Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


1. Ensuring performing the tasks of implementation the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation "Horizon 2020" in accordance with the thematic areas approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of 18.04.2017 No. 607, and the MES order of 21.04.2017. No. 623 “On the financing of the network of national contact points of the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation in 2019”. (Customer - Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., D.Sc. Dychkovsky R.O.

2. Development of recommendations for the MPC for the management of mountain pressure and fixing of 6 sewage treatment plants with heavy-duty roofs of SSP "Mine Management of Ternovsky" PJSC "DTEK Pavlogradugol". (Customer - PJSC “DTEK PAVLOGRADVUGILYA” MJSC “Mine management of Ternovskoye”).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., D.Sc. Bondarenko V.I.

3. Development of f recommendations or the MPC for the management of mining pressure and the fastening of twelve treatment sites with heavy-duty roofs of the SPE "Mining Department named after Heroes of Space" PJSC "DTEK Pavlogradugol".

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., D.Sc. Bondarenko V.I.

4. Development of recommendations for MPC for management of mountain pressure and fixing of clearing holes with difficult-to-manage roofs of Mine Pervotraveskoye PJSC DTEK Pavlogradugol. (Customer - PJSC “DTEK PAVLOGRADUGOL” of PJSC “Mine management of Pershotravenskoye”).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., D.Sc. Bondarenko V.I.

5. Participation in the MPC and development of recommendations for the MPC on the management of the mountain pressure and the attachment of the 41st Western longwall layer K8n Private Enterprise Mine of Novodruzhevskaya PJSC Lisichanskugol. (Customer - PJSC Lisichanskugol Mining Company Novodruzhevskaya Mine”).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., D.Sc. Bondarenko V.I.

6. Development of recommendations for MPC on the management of rock pressure and fixing of seven clearing holes with difficult-to-manage roofs of PSP MINE MANAGEMENT DNEPROVSK PJSC DTEK PAVLOGRADVUGOL according to D.126 code. (Customer - PJSC DTEK PAVLOGRADVOGELYA Mine of "Dniprovskoye Mine").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., D.Sc. Bondarenko V.I.

7. Perform scientific and technical substantiation and issue recommendations for the workings on the produced space at the opening and preparation of block 18/19 of the mine "Jubilee" SSP "SHU Pershotravenskoe". Justify radial mounting parameters (panel No. 3). (Customer - PJSC “DTEK PAVLOGRADUGOL” PJSC “Mine management of Pershotravenskoe”).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., D.Sc. Bondarenko V.I.

8. Scientific and technical substantiation and recommendations for the development of 7 East longwall layer К8n Private enterprise Mine named after G.G. Kapustina "PJSC" Lisichanskugol(hereinafter - Products), according to the classifier DK 016: 2010 Service number 79.12. (Customer - PJSC “Lysychanskugol” of GG Kapustin Mine.

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., D.Sc. Bondarenko V.I.

9. Perform an analysis of compliance with the requirements of regulations on occupational safety and agree on technically achievable residual dust levels. (Customer - State Enterprise "Pervomaiskugol" Mining Company "Mining").

Scientific adviser - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, V. Golinko.

10. Perform scientific research of the thermal state (temperature survey) of the existing waste heap of PJSC “Mine management “Pokrovskoye”and the temperature survey and calculation of gross emissions of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere from the inactive waste heap of the former mine Shevchenko. (Customer - PJSC "Mine Management" Pokrovske ").

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Sheikhislamova I.A.

11. Development of technology for enrichment brown coal to increase its energy characteristics. (Customer - Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Shustov O.O.

12. Resource-saving parameterization of the waste-free technology for laying the produced space of coal mines. (Customer - Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Sotkov V.A.


1. Recommendations for using electrical equipment for electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles to optimize the cost of supplying residential and office space. (Customer - Ideal-A LLC).

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Fedoryachenko S.O.

2. Maintenance of databases on calculation of utility services of utility companies in Dnipro. (Customer - MMF NPP).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., D.Sc. Zabolotny K.S.

3. Measurement of the basic parameters of gearing elements in gear wheels of the turbogenerator No. 4746179 type SST-110, serial number 4.746.179 (TWIN - AFA 46 GTG), including the correspondence of the cutting angle of the teeth of the shaft - gear wheels of the turbogenerator and the step of the dividing circle gearboxes of the turbine generator. Perform ultrasonic defectoscopy of reducer gear-shaft, with the issuance of a Technical Certificate to the Customer. (Customer – “OPTIMUSAGRO TRADE” LLC).

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Fedoryachenko S.O.

4. Production of fine grinded serpentine powder servings. No. 1; 2; 3. (Customer – Individual entrepreneur - Lonebraun T.O.).

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Antsiferov A.V.

5. Creation of scientific and technical products for the development of technology for the enrichment of waste products by gravity method to obtain quartz sands of different assortment. (Customer - Branch of "Vilnogirskiy Mining and Metallurgical Integrated Works" Joint-Stock Company "United Mining and Chemical Company").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., D. Sc., Pilov P.I.

6. Technological substantiation of the use of drum rollers at the branch of the Central Industrial Park Pavlograd. (Customer - PJSC “DTEK PAVLOGRADUGOL”).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., D. Sc., Pilov P.I.

7. Expert opinion on the change of the state of minerals and their forms as a result of the use of ore enrichment technology at PJSC “ARSELOR MITTAL BLOOD HORN”. (Customer - INTEGRITES LAWYER).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., prof. Levchenko K.A.

8. Working out of technological modes of drying sand in the vibration drying installation. (Customer - LLC “Magnetic and Hydraulic Technologies Research and Production Company”).

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Fedoskin V.O.

9. Investigation of lubricants for lubrication systems of wheel pairs of locomotives in order to reduce the wear of combs of bandages of wheel pairs. (Customer – Individual entrepreneur - Lunbraun Tatiana Alexandrovna).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., prof. Protsiv V.V.


1. Substantiation of the program for the application of coal seam emission prediction and the risk of sudden coal squeezing according to the acoustic signal parameters using the APSS equipment in the production of Pokrovske Mine PJSC in 2018. (Customer - PJSC “Pokrovskoye Mine”).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Assoc. Gapeev S.M.

2. Improvement of organization and technology of tamponage in inclined capital mine workings of the Mine SPACE HEROES OF SPE «SHU named after SPACE HEROES» of PJSC «DTEK POLOGRADUGOL». (Customer - PJSC "DTEK Pavlogradugol" PJSC "Mining Directorate named after Heroes of Space").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., prof. Shashenko O.M.

3. Forecasting the geological disturbance of the quality of industrial reserves of SHU “Pershotravenskoe” of the PJSC “DTEK PAVLOGRADUGOL”». (Customer - PJSC "DTEK PAVLOGRADUGOL" VSP "SHU PERSHOTRAVENSKE".

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., prof. Shashenko O.M.

4. Maintenance of the program in the application of coal seam emission prediction and the risk of sudden coal squeezing by acoustic signal parameters using the APSS equipment in the production of PJSC Pokrovskoye Mine in 2019. (Customer - JSC "SHU" POKROVSKE").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., prof. Shashenko O.M.


1. Hydrogeological studies of the impact of the planned activity of the projected complex for processing and storage of mineral fertilizers on the underground hydrosphere and surface waters of the Dnipro-Kryvyi Rih Channel (spring-flood period 2019). (Customer - LLC "Ukrainian Mineral Fertilizers").

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Tymoschuk V.I.

2. Substantiation of the monitoring system of the hydrogeomechanical state of the mining area of the PJSC “INGZK” disrupted on the basis of the analysis of the modern hydrodynamic, geomechanical and geophysical fields for the development of measures to prevent emergencies at the entry of the northern quarry into the zone of subsoil shifts. (Customer - PJSC “Ingulets Mining and Processing Plant”).

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Tymoschuk V.I.

3. Modeling of the water dehumidification system taking into account engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions of the construction site and forecasting the development of negative engineering-geological processes related to the change of hydrogeological conditions. Pumping station of additional water of Zaporizhzhya NPP of NNEGC "Energoatom". New construction. (Customer - LLC "ATOM-UKRAINIAN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES").

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Tymoschuk V.I.


1. Assessment of electromagnetic compatibility of mine power supply systems in conditions of powerful nonlinear loads and diagnostics of technical condition and increase of efficiency of mine ventilation and lifting installations. (Customer - OJSC "Mining Authority named after Heroes of Space" PJSC "DTEK Pavlogradugol").

Scientific adviser - Academician of NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, G.G. Pivnyak.

2. Reactive power compensation in mine electrical networks. (Customer - PJSC “DTEK Pavlogradugol” PJSC “Mine Management Pavlograd”).

Scientific adviser - Academician of NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, G.G. Pivnyak.


1. Carrying out laboratory tests of samples of rocks from mining. (Customer - Representation of Limak Inshayat Sana’i ve Tijaret Anonymous Sherkiti).

Scientific adviser – PhD Khomenko D.Yu.

2. Examination of a sample of precious (semi-precious) stones. (Customer - Individual person - Ornella Georgette Rozhet).

Scientific adviser - Assoc., Shevchenko S.V.

3. Conducting analysis and laboratory studies of shotcrete samples with varying degrees of fiber content. (Customer - Representative Office of the "Limak Inshayat Sanai ve Tijaret Anonymous Shirketi").

Scientific adviser - PhD., Khomenko Yu.T.

4. Performance of paid services for paleontological specimen examination. (Customer - Individual person - Khomenko D.Yu.)

Scientific adviser - Assoc., Shevchenko S.V.


1. Execution of geological support of mining and mining operations for 2018-2019 at the Zaporizhzhya granite deposit in Zaporizhzhia. (Customer - PJSC "Zaporizhzhya Karp Management").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

2. Performing laboratory-analytical research and research work. (Customer - Testing laboratory of PE "Ukrpromsert").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

3. Execution of geological support of mining operations for 2019 at the Spassky field of construction sands in the Zaporizhzhya region of Melitopol district. (Customer - Individual entrepreneur Rakov A.A.).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

4. Conducting radiation monitoring of rocks in the quarry and finished products for compliance with the requirements of NRBU-97 at the site of the Spassky field in the Melitopol district of Zaporizhzhya region. (Customer - Individual entrepreneur Rakov A.A.).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

5. Execution of paid services of laboratory-analytical works on determination of chemical composition of samples by X-ray fluorescence method. (Customer - Verhol individual person Igor Petrovich).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

6. Execution of paid services of laboratory-analytical works on determination of chemical composition of samples by X-ray fluorescence method. (Customer - individual person Nikitenko Igor Svyatoslavovich).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

7. Performance of paid services of laboratory-analytical works on determination of chemical composition of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence method, macro and microscopic description of the samples. (Customer - Individual prson Kamkov R.B.).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

8. Determination of chemical composition of thermal insulation material "mineral wool". (Customer - OBIO LLC).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

9. Carrying out radiation control over rocks in the quarry and finished products for compliance with the requirements of NRBU-97 at the site of the Left Bank of the Devladovsk granite deposit, Sofiyiv district, Dnipropetrovsk region. (Customer - LLC Nerudstroymaterialy).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

10. Performance of paid services of laboratory-analytical works on determination of chemical composition of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence method. (Customer - Individual person - Nikitenko Igor Svyatoslavovich).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

11. Execution of paid services of laboratory-analytical works on determination of chemical composition of biofuel samples. (Customer - Individual person - Servilo Victor Petrovich).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

12. Performance of paid services of laboratory-analytical works on determination of chemical composition of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence method. (Customer – Individual entrepreneuer Arutyunyan Kerob Lendrushovych).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

13. Chemical analysis of substances by X-ray fluorescence method. (Customer - Individual person - Shevchenko Sergey).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

14. Performance of paid services of laboratory-analytical works on determination of chemical composition of biofuel samples. (Customer – “Stingray Company” LLC).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

15. Laboratory and analytical work to determine the chemical composition of the granulated slag samples by X-ray fluorescence method. (Customer - LLC “YUDK”)

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

16. Execution of geological support of mining and quarrying for 2019 at the Banytsia quartzite sandstone deposit in Sumy region of Glukhiv district. (Customer – “Glukhiv Quartzite Quarry” LLC).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

17. Determination of the chemical composition of rock samples. (Customer – “Gildya Engineering” LLC).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

18. Execution of paid services of laboratory-analytical works on determination of chemical composition of samples of rocks by x-ray fluorescence method. (Customer - Individual person – D.M. Sidorovich).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

19. Determination of the chemical content of SiO2, CaO, MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3 in the samples of limestone and red-brown clays of the Yellowstone Quarry. (Customer – “GEOZOND” Private Enterprise).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

20. Chemical analysis of substances by X-ray fluorescence method. (Customer - Individual person - Chobotko Igor Igorevich).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

21. Chemical analysis of substances by X-ray fluorescence method. (Customer – Individual person - N.A. Kozhevnikov).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

22. Determination of the chemical content of SiO2, CaO, MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3 in the samples of limestone and red-brown clays of the Kamchatka Stone Quarry. (Customer - PE "GEOSOND").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

23. Chemical analysis of substances by X-ray fluorescence method. (Customer - LLC "Ukrprommineral").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

24. Chemical analysis of substances by X-ray fluorescence method. (Customer - Individual person - Nikitenko I.S.).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

25. Chemical analysis of substances by X-ray fluorescence method. (Customer - Individual person - Gapeev S.M.).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

26. Chemical analysis of substances by X-ray fluorescence method. Preparation of samples for chemical analysis. (Customer - Individual Servilo Victor Petrovich).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Perkov E.S.

Center for explosive work problems

1. Monitoring of magnitude of seismic fluctuations of soil and pressure at the front of the shock-air wave near residential buildings and structures during mass explosions on the granite quarry of Shamraevske LLC. (Customer - Shamraevske LLC).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D. Strilets O.P.

2. Analysis of parameters and technology of drilling and their impact on the work of excavators and crushers. (Customer - PJSC "Poltava GOK").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D. Strilets O.P.

3. Monitoring of magnitude of seismic fluctuations of soil and pressure at the front of the air-shock wave near residential buildings and structures during mass explosions at the granite quarry of PJSC "Zaporizhzhya Quarry Management". (Customer - PJSC "Zaporizhzhya Career Management").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D. Strilets O.P.

4. Geophysical studies to determine the actual value. (Customer - KP "Mukachevo Career Management").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D. Strilets O.P.

5. To provide scientific and technical assistance in reducing the output of small fraction of rock mass during blasting operations at PJSCs "Ternopil Quarry". (Customer - PJSC "Ternopil Quarry").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D. Strilets O.P.

6. Monitoring of the actual magnitude of the seismic fluctuations of the soil near residential buildings and structures of the northern part of the village. Recruitment during mass explosions in the career of PJSC "Podilsky Tovtry", giving conclusions and recommendations on seismically performing drilling and blasting operations. (Customer - PJSC "Podilsky Tovtry").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D. Strilets O.P.

7. Improvement of qualification of employees of the Customer under the Program of the course "Specialized training for the right of responsible mining operations in open development". (Customer - JSC "Nikitovsky Granite Quarry").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D. Strilets O.P.

8. Improvement of the qualification of the Employees of the Customer under the Program of the course "Specialized training for the right of responsible mining and blasting on open developments". (Customer - PJSC "Zaporizhzhya Career Management").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D. Strilets O.P.


1. Creation of scientific and technical products "Supplement to the working project of the development of the Nikitov granite deposit: development of increased reserves". (Customer - JSC "Nikitovsky Granite Quarry").

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., prof. Simonenko V.I.


1. Research of rocks and determination of their strength coefficient. (Customer - KORUM REPIR LLC).

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Gapeev S.M.

2. Analysis and coordination of sports of seismic forecasting of gas-dynamic phenomena with the use of AML equipment at the mining and tunneling sections of the Central mine of SE “Toretskugol”. (Customer - SE "Toretskugol").

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Gapeev S.M.

3. Maintenance and adjustment of the seismic acoustic signal prediction (APSS) equipment. (Customer - SE "Krasnolimanskaya Coal Company").

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Gapeev S.M.

4. Analysis and harmonization of passports for seismic forecasting of gas-dynamic phenomena with the use of AML equipment at the mining and tunneling sections of the Toretska mine of the Toretskugol coal mine. (Customer - SE "Toretskugol" of PE "Toretska Mine").

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Gapeev S.M.

5. Analysis of condition of communication lines, determination of parameters of the receivers and transmitters of the sound-catching equipment, servicing of the registrar when using the emission forecast on the equipment of the AML at the Toretska mine at the Toretskugol coal mine during 2019. (Customer - SE "Toretskugol" of PE "Toretska Mine").

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Gapeev S.M.

6. Analysis of the change in the geomechanical situation and stability of the SPShH horizon 593 m and SPShK horizon 593 m under conditions of their overwork with cleaning works in the conditions of JSC “ShU “POKROVSKE”. (Customer - JSC “SHU “POKROVSKE”).

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Gapeev S.M.

7. Improvement of technological schemes of working out the adjacent strata taking into account the mutual influence of the cleaning and preparatory works in conditions of the mine "WEST-DONBASKA" SPE "SHU TEPNIVSKE" PJSC "DTEK PAVLOGRADUGOL". (CUSTOMER - SHP "TEU TIPNIVSKE" PJSC "DTEK PAVLOGRADUGOL").

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Gapeev S.M.

8. Carrying out scientific and technical works in the field of verification the aptitude of operators of forecasting gas-dynamic phenomena at application of seismic-acoustic monitoring of a rock massif with the use of ZUA equipment at the mine “Toretska” of SE “Toretskugol” in 2019. (Customer - SE "Toretskugol" of PE "Toretska Mine").

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Gapeev S.M.

9. Carrying out scientific and technical works in the field of verification the aptitude of operators of forecast gas-dynamic phenomena at application of seismic-acoustic monitoring of a mountain rock with the use of ZUA equipment at the mine "Central" of SE "Toretskugol" in 2019. (Customer - SE "Toretskugol" Mine "Central" Mine).

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Gapeev S.M.

10. Substantiation of the parameters of the cast strip of the excavation sections taking into account the physical and mechanical properties of the rocks of the sole of the layers, which are worked out at the JSC “ShU “Pokrovskoye”, using digital modeling. (Customer - JSC “ShU “POKROVSKE”).

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Gapeev S.M.

11. Mathematical modeling of the modernized flexible mount type KShPum-20.3 in order to determine its working resistance and ultimate bearing capacity. (Customer - JSC “ShU “POKROVSKE”).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., prof. Shashenko O.M.

12. Development of compounding formulations for tamponage of mounting in mining and construction of cast strip notches. (Customer - JSC “ShU “POKROVSKE”).

Scientific adviser - Ph.D., prof. Shashenko O.M.

13. Deployment of the acoustic forecast system of gas-dynamic phenomena on the basis of the APPS-1 equipment and maintenance of the system software in the application of the coal seam emission prediction on the parameters of the acoustic signal at the Belozerskaya mine in 2019. (Customer - Belozerskaya Mine).

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Gapeev S.M.

14. Analysis of the status of communication lines, determination of parameters of receivers and transmitters of sound-catching equipment, servicing of the registrar when using the forecast of emission on the equipment of the AML at the mine "Central" of SE "Toretskugol" during the first half of 2019. (Customer - SE "Toretskugol" Mine "Central" Mine).

Scientific adviser - Assoc. Gapeev S.M.



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