Raising Knowledge among Students and Teachers on Tailings Safety
� FINAL WORKSHOP The project team organized Final Workshop at the National Mining University on May 16-18, 2017. The workshop objectives were to present the project results in educational and legislative components, and discuss the proposals on follow-up activities and recommendations to the UNECE JEG on Water and Industrial Accidents. The representatives of German Environment Agency (UBA), the project team, international experts, the representatives of Ukrainian competent authorities, the representative of the TMF operator, and the tutors and students from the universities participated in the workshop. The project team presented the project results from the prospects of further development of its educational and legislative components. The project outcome in education included
��������� E-learning course on the TMF safety for students developed in Moodle platform on the NMU site; the course was implemented in the universities participated in the project.
��������� Training materials including the training program, lectures, presentations that can be used for further trainings,
��������� Updated Methodology for Comprehensive Evaluation of TMF Safety.
The project outcome in legislative field included�� � ��The report on Analysis of Ukrainian legislation compliance with the requirements of EU law and Roadmap of its implementation in the context of improving TMFs safety (Directive 2006/21/EC, SEVESO-III Directive and TMF Safety Guidelines),�� � ��the Resolution of the Round table held in Kiev in February 2017 on implementation of the EU law on TMF issues in Ukrainian legislation.
The project team has made the proposals on the follow-up activities in Ukraine and for UNECE. The proposals included development of the special software for TMF mapping and assessment, offering the education course on TMF safety for environmental inspectors both in Ukraine and other countries, assessment of identified and abandoned TMFs in Ukraine and other countries, organizing similar educational projects in the countries that face the negative impacts of TMFs. Last day of the Final Workshop the students presented the results of safety evaluation of the TMF of Prydniprovska TPP operated DTEK company and the proposals on safety improvements based on Measure Catalogue. Besides, the students shared their vision on the TMF methodology and the prospects of using the checklist approach in their future professional career in environmental safety. The Certificate award ceremony officially closed the Final workshop. The certificates of successful completion of the training course were awarded by the representatives of UBA, UNECE, NMU and LLC �Ecoplatform� to the teachers and students of four participating universities, who took part in the project. Apart from the sessions for all the participants it included the UNECE JEG meeting held on May�18, 2017. � |