Raising Knowledge among Students and Teachers on Tailings Safety
The project team has organized the Second Training at the National Mining University on November 22-26, 2016. The trainees and the tutors from four technical universities located in Dnipro, representatives of Ukrainian competent authorities and the TMF operator representative participated in the event. Training objectives were to deepen the students knowledge on tailings safety in the context European standards and Ukrainian practice, familiarize students with the Ukrainian and European legislation on tailings management; train the students how to practically apply the TMF Methodology, test the TMF Methodology and the education course, and improve the educational materials. The training focused on the important aspects of the TMF Methodology application such as evaluation of Tailings Hazard Index, recommendations of how to give correct answers to Checklist questions, on reporting on the results of safety level evaluation, working with enterprise documentation. The trainers presented the analysis of the TMF accident trends based on the international statistical data. Besides, they made a review of Ukrainian laws, regulatory requirements, and guidelines for environmental audit of TMFs, highlighted the specifics of Ukrainian and EU legal framework on the TMF issues, implementation of Directive 2006/21/EC in Ukraine and the related legislative issues. The trainees filled in the subgroup Detailed document check of the TMF Checklist in spreadsheets, using the TMF site summary based on TMF operator documentation and visual inspection results. This work was followed by selecting measures from Measure Catalogue and elaboration of the program to be proposed for safety improvement for the checked TMF. The students presented the results of their evaluation the TMF safety level applying the TMF Checklist using both visual inspection results and documentation check. After theoretical and practical sessions, the trainees passed the consolidation knowledge test developed by the project team using electronic Google forms. The results of the tests demonstrated the good knowledge and awareness of trainees in the majority of TMF issues. For self-study the students were assigned to pass the UNECE online course on industrial accidents and given a home work to prepare presentations for the Final workshop focusing on their learning experience gained during the project. The training participants highly evaluated the training quality using anonymous electronic Google forms. The analysis of participants answers helped the team to find the deficiencies in available educational materials for their further improvements. |