Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Dnipro University of Technology opportunities in research field
R & D and laboratory works performed by different structures of the Dnipro University of Technology
Development, ready for implementation
For more than 120-year history of the Dnipro University of Technology there have been created unique scientific developments, many of which have no analogues in the world
Scientific projects
Current scientific work carried out by scientists Dnipro University of Technology on public order and economic agreements
Scientific discoveries of university scientists

Scientific discoveries Dnipro University of Technology - the highest achievement in the implementation of research

State awards which was achieved by scientists Dnipro University of Technology

The list of innovative developments of scientists Dnipro University of Technology, for which they received the state awards in the field of science and technology.

The scientists who received grants

Laureates of the prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists.

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