Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Scientific substantiation and development of energy-saving technology of synthesis of superhard materials

Project author: National Mining University, Department of Technic Prospecting of Deposits, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine)

Project objective: The aim of the project is to develop scientifically based highly productive, environmentally sound technology synthesis of superhard materials by 10-15% more efficient ones.

Project background: �Industry in many countries experiencing the need for high-performance diamond tools. U.S.A., Britain, Japan and other countries over the last 25 years used the most effective way to explosive synthesis of superhard materials. So the company " Dupont de Nemours " produces explosive diamonds, the Japanese firm "Showa KK depko" perfecting work on the production of industrial explosives diamonds offered load shock waves simultaneously both ends of the experimental sample, made of graphite. However, the widely used methods currently synthesis of superhard materials are not without drawbacks: low percentage of energy use explosives, single-use devices to save the synthesis products, the need for complex and expensive technology, low productivity. To eliminate these drawbacks and to achieve the goal of the proposed project provides for the use of cavitation, which is accompanied by the appearance of significant differential pressures and temperatures due to the collapse of cavitation bubbles. Obtained at this energy using physical fields for processing is sufficient for the synthesis of superhard materials. This gives reason to believe that the established technology of synthesis of superhard materials is 10-15 % more efficient than the existing ones.



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