Develop and explore the impact of technology on the borehole rocks, providing warning of sudden outbursts of gas and rocks in coal from underground mines Project author: National Mining University, Department of Technic Prospecting of Deposits, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) Project objective: The aim of the project is to develop a downhole technology impact on gas-bearing rocks, the application of which will ensure a reduction in their outburst in underground mines, to improve working conditions and to develop coal-mining crews thin coal seams. Project background: When coal mining method may have unforeseen circumstances associated with sudden outbursts of gas and rocks that lead to significant financial costs, and sometimes fatalities. To prevent this negative phenomenon various methods, among which the most effective is the advanced drilling for coal seam. However, this technique has disadvantages: the effectiveness of coal seam degasification borehole largely depends on the pressure in the reservoir, its natural penetration of the properties of disperse systems used in the drilling , etc. To address these shortcomings, and achieve the goal of the present project aims to develop technology degassing of coal seams and coal mining method of drilling wells inclined from Earth's surface with a horizontal section through the formation and subsequent transportation of pulverized coal by hydraulic lines to the consumer. This technology is based on focused changes in physical and chemical properties of coal bed - his translation of the elastic state, creating artificial fracture, reducing the gas pressure due to its drainage and salinity� |