New generation of lift facilities with flat traction bodies Project authors. National Mining University, Department of Structural, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) The objective of the project: to reduce energy consumption, metal consumption of lift, to increase the life of the rope, the velocity of the elevator and lift height through the development and validation of design and technology solutions for the creation of the modern elevator equipment. Project background. Innovativeness of the proposed technology is the development of new lifting equipment with flat rubber-rope that will have the best resource and performance characteristics. Introduction of new elevator systems will reduce energy consumption and dimensions of metal elevator facilities, will increase the life of the hoisting ropes, improve reliability and safety, increase speed and lifting height. Due to a significant increase in the durability of the hoisting ropes significant reduction in operating costs will be achieved. New facilities with flat traction bodies have the same parts and elements with existing elevators of multistory buildings. Modernization of worn elevator equipment does not require intervention in the design of the building, and the construction of new buildings may significantly reduce their cost by eliminating the construction machine floor. Elevator facility has smaller dimensions, which allows you to install it in a confined space, it has low noise and high smoothness of the elevator. Through the use of ropes in the form of belts effective control status of their integrity is possible. The cost of rubber ropes twice lower than foreign counterparts, and their longevity corresponds to the best indicators of world manufacturers of lifting equipment. The main advantages of lift facilities with flat rubber-ropes: - Significant (4-5 times) increasing in durability of the flexible traction body; - Significant (40%) reduction in energy consumption; - No need to use or to construct the machinery floor; - Significant reduction of the dimensions through the use of gearless winches; - Significant reduction of the noise level and qualitative improvement of the elevator smooth progress; - Complete protection of steel cables by rubber sheath from mechanical wear and corrosion; - Significant increasing in reliability of traction body through the use of more reinforcing cables; - Improving the reliability of the elevator machine by eliminating the use of the gear; - Implementation of permanent (24 hours) monitoring the integrity of rubber rope due to its new design; - Ability to use ropes with new designs on high-speed elevators in high-rise multi-storey buildings. � |