Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

International Scientific and Technical Conference



March 26-28, 2025

-Dnipro, Ukraine-

Conference organizers:

Dnipro University of Technology

S.P.Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics

Dear colleagues!

Dnipro University of Technology, Institute of Mechanics named after S.P. Tymoshenko of National Academy of Science of Ukraine with the support and participation of domestic and foreign scientific institutions, universities and enterprises are holding the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Modern Problems of Mechanics in Special Purpose Structures (MPMSPS - 2025)”

The aim of conference is an exchange, report, scientific and technical information about the results of current actual researches, determination of perspective directions of fundamental researches and decision of practical tasks in area of mechanics, material science and mathematical design of the difficult systems of the special setting, discussion of problems of application of modern analytical, numeral and experimental methods of research, application of computer technologies and machine studies in the decision of modern problems of mechanics, assistance to the collaboration of scientists in the family area of science.

The conference will include plenary, sectional, and poster presentations. The conference MPMSPS-2025 will be held in a hybrid format that combines offline and online participation. Participants who are unable to attend in person will have the opportunity to provide a video presentation.


1. Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics and strength of special purpose structures.

2. Experimental studies of the bearing capacity of structures and systems of new technology.

3. Mathematical and computer modeling of structural elements and special purpose materials.

4. Application of progressive and non-traditional information technologies in the design and production of complex technical systems.

5. Actual problems of engineering education. Use of information and communication technologies in e-learning.

For inclusion in the conference program, applications and abstracts received by the organized committee no later than March 01, 2025 are considered.

Requirements for the text of the report:

Volume: 2-3 fully filled pages.

File format: PDF.

Application and abstract templates are available on the website.

The working languages of the conference are Ukrainian and English.

The conference is free of charge.


Thesis Template 


Based on the results of the conference, an electronic scientific collection of abstracts will be prepared. Each participant who makes a presentation will receive a certificate of participation in the conference indicating 12 academic hours (0,4 ECTS credits).

For more information, please contact e-mail: MPMSPS@nmu.one

Phone numbers: +38 067-791-3889 Oleksandr Dolhov,

+38 067-983-3040 Viktor Hryshchak,

+38 093-403-7992 Zoia Sazanishvili.



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