Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


In 26 27 June, 2017 the workshop in the framework of the Project Consortium DUBROVNIK INTERNATIONAL ESEE MINING SCHOOL (DIM ESEE) was held in Lubliana (Slovenia). The project is realized in the frame of European Institute of Innovation & Technology, (EIT), Raw Materials and financed by EU Programme Horizon - 2020 and own funds of participants. Ukrainian institutions can take part in EIT projects only as the task partners.

Participants of the mentioned project conducts representatives from eight higher educational universities from Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia, Hungary and Ukraine. Also for the tasks realization widely are involved the representatives from scientific and research institutions and industry. Coordinator of the project is University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Mineral Recourses, Department of Mining and Geotechnical Engineering, Croatia. The National Mining University on this meeting was presented by Nina Shepel, manager of the International Project Department.

The program of this meeting includes:
- presentation of the consortium members, specific characteristics and work activities in the project;
- setting the main project task to all consortium members; composition of scientific teams, responsible and contact persons;
- discussing the project plan, content and terms of project realization;
- acquaintance with the architecture mining monuments of the region.

Head of the project in National Mining University is Head of the Research Department prof. Roman Dychkovkyi. Executive Coordinator is Manager Head of International Project Department Nina Shepel. Project team consists of prof. Mykola Tabachenko, Serhii Shevchenko, PhD, Anna Avdiushchenko, PhD and Dmytro Sobeshchankyi, Eng.

We wish good luck for the project members in the project realization.



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